IMBuildings introduces Predictive Measurement that uses data analysis to predict what will happen as a result of the influence of people on the environment.
Continuous monitoring
Predictive Maintenance
Predictive Maintenance is a well-known term in the technical industry. It means maintenance that makes use of continuous monitoring of the operation of machines or objects. In other words: the use of data analysis to predict when a machine may need to be replaced. Maintenance can thus be scheduled at exactly the right time.
IMBuildings introduces Predictive Measurement that uses data analysis to predict what will happen as a result of the influence of people on the environment. This means anything required to make people as comfortable as possible in an environment can be scheduled at the right time. This includes temperature and air quality, as well as the cleaning and occupation of a room. IMBuildings solutions ensure the conditions within buildings are kept optimal at all times. IMBuildings first measures the causes rather than the effects.
A combination of sensors that count people and sensors that measure values such as temperature, humidity and CO2 content provide managers with insights to identify cost savings and how to prevent energy wastage. The People Counters measure the footfall in every passageway and thus provide insight into the occupancy. This information supports the making of decisions about the ideal utilisation of a building or room. The sensors help gain insight into how many people are in a room, as well as where they are moving. Sensors that measure temperature, humidity and CO2 content provide insights that support an appropriate response to air quality and health in relation to a room, as well as its occupancy.
In short, the sensors help ensure the floor space is used as optimally as possible so that all the available rooms are used as efficiently as possible, which has a knock-on effect on the efficient use of energy. The result is increased comfort, lower costs and improved well-being.
If you would like to know which solution is best for you, please contact us.