Control and predict
It is possible to dream up many different ways to cut costs in real estate, but the amount of space used is the most important. After all, this affects everything else: rent, service costs (cleaning and maintenance), personnel costs, energy consumption, etc.
You can be sure that, wherever there are people, there are environmental changes. Toilets, rubbish bins, and kitchen units will get used. Stuff will be moved around and dirt and dust will accumulate, all of which requires cleaning. In addition, people are heat sources, and they heat the room in which they are located. This affects the indoor climate. In addition, people produce CO2. An increase of CO2 in a room displaces the oxygen uptake in the body, resulting in lower energy levels, decreased concentration and more discomfort. People influence the climate, as well as the environment.
In the places people congregate, there is a requirement for ventilation, heating, cooling and illumination; but this is unnecessary in places where there are no people. Large cost savings can be made here. Money paid on unnecessary cleaning rounds and energy consumption is a waste. IMBuildings sensors give you control and predict what will happen so you can intervene in time. The IMBuildings sensors ensure you have insight into how many people are present in a room. Building managers or owners can therefore make choices about which rooms should be kept open or closed.
Thanks to the insights provided by the sensors, people can be encouraged to use preferred routes through a building. Optimal conditions can be provided wherever there are people, and areas of non-occupancy do not have to be conditioned to meet the needs of people. The lights do not have to be on, and the temperature does not have to be held at 20 degrees.
Unused rooms do not need to be heated, lit or cleaned, which saves energy and costs. If a toilet has only been used once, it does not need to be cleaned; while toilets that are used more often may need to be cleaned multiple times per day. This reduces the workload on staff and saves costs. For example, a cleaning company can conclude contracts based on quality. In addition, cleaning staff can be deployed on other tasks, which increases efficiency.
- Cost savings on energy and personnel
- Health
- Improved performance